Annual Values and Leadership Conference
Join us in Columbus!
CSLEE Values and Leadership Conference
November 8-10, 2021
Hyatt Regency Columbus, Columbus OH
Conference Theme:
Democracy is Precious – Democracy is Fragile Ethical and Moral Challenges in Times of Global Crisis
Proposal Themes
The Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education is interested in receiving paper and presentation proposals focused on the following sub-themes:
- The blend of threat to democracy and the potential for opportunity in this period of heightened social/political/economic turbulence
- The need to prioritize robust democratic citizenship in Pk-20 education: Its history, shortcomings, and potential
- Emergence of fresh threats and the resurgence of old foes in new guises in the shape of nationalism, religious extremism, autocratic capitalism, unaccountable tech titans, cyber warfare, and the legacy of oppressive institutions and systems
- The fundamentals and shortcomings of democracy particularly related to regular and honest elections, a free media, the rule of law, and upholding the rights of historically underrepresented populations.
The role of education in addressing ethical and moral challenges in times of global or local crisis
Proposal Deadline
Proposal submission begins April 2021 and the deadline for submission of proposals for review is June 15, 2021. Notice of acceptance will be communicated no later than June 30, 2021.
How to Submit
All proposals for the conference must be submitted as a Word document format file(s) attached to an email sent to [email protected] using the subject line “Values and Leadership Conference Proposal”
Conference Session Formats
Papers: A Paper is submitted by one author plus up to three co-authors. Papers are oral presentations lasting 15 – 20 minutes and will be scheduled in 90 minutes sessions which will normally include 3 – 4 papers on similar themes. A chairperson for each session will manage time and discussion.
Research Workshops: A Research Workshop focuses on methodological topics and may involve practical activity. Workshops are submitted by one author plus up to five co-authors. Normally one session (90 minutes) is scheduled for a workshop and presenters will be asked to manage/chair their session.
Round Tables: A Round Table usually involves three or four short presentations linked by theme. Presenters should plan one hour for the presentation and discussion afterwards.
Symposia: Symposia consist of a 90 minute conference session organized by the submitters. They usually include 3 – 5 papers per session plus a Discussant. A symposium consists of a minimum of 3 papers. In order to guarantee an international perspective, at least two different national perspectives must be represented within the papers presented in the symposium. The proposal for a symposium needs to be handed in as one submission with a description of the symposium (500 words) and a list of all abstracts for all papers linked to it (100 word abstract per paper). A Chairperson and a Discussant must be identified as part of the proposal.
Guidelines for Writing a Proposal Abstract
Proposals for conference sessions are welcome from all fields of educational research but should align in some way with conference themes. All proposals must be submitted electronically as Word .doc file attachments to e-mail sent to the following address: [email protected]
Submission Guidelines
The submission may be as short as 200 words but not exceed a maximum of 1000 words, plus references. The following should be included:
- Title of proposal
- Authors(s) of proposal including affiliations and email addresses
- General description of research questions, objectives and theoretical framework
- Methods/methodology
- Expected Outcomes/results
You need to identify all contributing authors along with their affiliations and email addresses as part of the proposal, and clearly specify who will be presenting. Please take care in providing accurate information; mis-spellings and missing email addresses may mean that co-authors are not correctly linked to their contributions.
Please submit proposals by June 15, 2021 to: